My LSAT Exam Shut Down!

Getting into law school is like getting into undergrad; on steroids. You basically have to have your transcripts in order, write your personal statement, have your recommendations lined up, apply, and take an admissions test.

The admissions test is called the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test). It’s literally a test of preparation rather than knowledge. Sooooo much preparation, stress, and second guessing why the hell am I studying for this lol.

After all of that preparation, my LSAT exam day went a little something like this …

First, I took my exam during COVID, so everything was virtual. I was able to take my exam at home and it was proctored.

When the day came for me to take my exam, I was ready! Remember, I was prepared (so I thought).

Fifteen minutes until the end of my exam and everything is going great. Mind you, this exam was over two hours and there were no breaks (security reasons etc.).


Before my exam reached “14 minutes remaining”, my internet went out. (I’m laughing now, but I cried real tears when this happened lmao). I had a certain amount of time to log back into my exam or it would terminate. This means I would have to retake the entire test.

Cox said it would be a few hours before the internet was back on from an outage, so I had to move fast to get to the nearest library. The tears and frustration became realer. In my head, I knew my exam would terminate or get flagged for security reasons. It’s law school so everything is so STRICT!

The library was a mess. They had no private rooms open during COVID and mask were required everywhere during this time. However, I couldn’t wear my mask because my exam was proctored, meaning I needed to show my whole face. Lol, this librarian kept trying to tell me to put my mask on, and I was completely ignoring her because I NEEDED to not have to retake this exam. Lmao. Then they began making announcements on the intercom. Lmao, it was a mess!

But guess what, it all worked out because I went to law school! And I’m here to tell you that whatever your big test is, will work out for you too! 🙂

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